getting old
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- getting old

Posted by Simon Bryant
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So you've worked your whole life, paid all that tax and generally contributed positively to society, I think you have the right to eat fresh and well in your twilight years, but it isn'y always the case....some food for thought.
As a post script to the article above, it was promising to see such a well-attended session at the recent Tasting Australia 2014 Think Session, “Food in Aged Care”. It seems with conversations about the quality of food in aged care facilities being fostered in such an environment, that perhaps we’ll start to see a shift in the type of meals provided for residents. This topic is now firmly in the media spotlight with Maggie Beer leading a campaign to improve the quality of food prepared by aged care homes.
Here’s a snippet of the panel discussion from the Tasting Australia session, which included experts from the aged care sector including Klaus Zimmermann, Peter Morgan-Jones, Ellis Wilkinson and Karen Ferres.
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